A quick introduction


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Just arrived to Budapest with the boys? First day, check-in done, and now what to do you might think. Well,  this is where we come in. As you might have figured out, this city has unlimited options when it comes to planning a party trip. This is why most of the people reach out to us in the first place. Whether it’s just some company with our girls or a table booking at a club, or getting to do new stuff you’ve never done before you wish for, we will sort it all out for you.

Want to have fun at your own apartment but rather have some nice company with ladies by your side? Or want to go out to a club later on? Our party hostesses are happy to throw up the night! An excellent choice if you want to have a night with georgeous, funny, communicative women. 



Looking for fun things to do like on a date? We also offer a wide variety of day and night activities even in private if you wish to! Contact us and let’s set you up!

Keep in mind that our service can be ordered anywhere in within Hungary, not just Budapest!

Our hostesses are a great complement to events like
Formula 1, or the Sziget Festival, Balaton Sound etc.

We reserve the right for a hostess to leave without further refund if she feels discomfort or pressure from the client’s side